Trade recap for February 2nd

Nothing exciting today.

BOT    1,000    BGEM    false    Stock    0.2800    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:03:26        1.40
SLD    1,000    BGEM    false    Stock    0.3100    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:27:38        1.55
+    BOT    1,400    CNLG    false    Stock    4.026    USD    ARCA    09:32:09        7.00
+    SLD    1,400    CNLG    false    Stock    4.050    USD    SMART    09:34:43        7.00

Daily profit: $46.05

Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

0 thoughts on “Trade recap for February 2nd”

  1. Hi,
    I’m curious, why no trade on ISCO? It was on your watchlist and it would have been a great trade entering on the breakdown below yesterday’s close.


      1. James, thanks or asking this, I was driving the other day and thought ” I need to ask Reaper if AQS is worth a shit!” But then forgot.

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