Nothing exciting today.
BOT 1,000 BGEM false Stock 0.2800 USD ARCAEDGE 09:03:26 1.40
SLD 1,000 BGEM false Stock 0.3100 USD ARCAEDGE 09:27:38 1.55
+ BOT 1,400 CNLG false Stock 4.026 USD ARCA 09:32:09 7.00
+ SLD 1,400 CNLG false Stock 4.050 USD SMART 09:34:43 7.00
Daily profit: $46.05
Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.
I’m curious, why no trade on ISCO? It was on your watchlist and it would have been a great trade entering on the breakdown below yesterday’s close.
Simply put I could not find shares to short.
Yeah ISCO shares at IB were gone fast…..they were there maybe the first 5 minutes of trading and that was it
So they were not reserved in advance, or were shares not available to be reserved in advance?
You can’t reserve shares at Interactive Brokers. Either they’re available at the time you want to short, or not.
Thanks for the info.
By the way, Reaper, how has the AQS stock loan marketplace worked out for you? Have you been able to get hard-to-borrow stuff for a lot of the NASDAQ stuff?
Most smallcap Nasdaq aren’t even available on it. So I haven’t used it yet.
James, thanks or asking this, I was driving the other day and thought ” I need to ask Reaper if AQS is worth a shit!” But then forgot.
That sux. I had hoped your balance edge would have helped you more than you are experiencing…
on your chart, looking at the volume. The green and red bars are obvious, but what does yellow signify?
No movement or no trades.