Watchlist for January 20th

MDCE – Tim Sykes nailed the short of this today (and alerted his TimAlerts subscribers while there were still shares to short at IB) as its pump finally ended. I was too hesitant. That’s okay, I still beat him to the draw on ECOB and I made more on that than he did on this.


ALTO – This is the next MDCE. I am long 4400 shares that I will sell early tomorrow. It was first pumped by the cretins at Penny Stock Chaser all last week (don’t worry, I’ll be blogging about them soon; they were paid 400,000 free-trading shares for the pump). The funny thing is this this tanked the second and third days after they started pumping it on January 10th (the first day it went from $0.67 to $0.77). Over the weekend the lovable losers at BestDamnPennyStocks pumped this piece of crap too. Hopefully they get it up some more so I can short it.


MHYS – Another huge pump, by the same soulless stock promoters who brought you MDCE (I actually know of three different promoters that are behind this). It had its first pump day today and is being pumped a bunch overnight. I have 12,600 shares that I will probably sell early tomorrow.


SPU – More great moves; I refuse to trade this.


Normally I’d have some more Nasdaq stocks on watch, but the success of the pumpers and a lack of big catalysts for momentum stocks means there are many more OTC stocks that interest me.

Disclosure: Long 4400 ALTO and 12,600 MHYS. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

0 thoughts on “Watchlist for January 20th”

    1. also, stock pumpers split their lists, so while my part of the try pennystocks list got the pump a day or two ago maybe yours will only get ALTO tonight.

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