Update on trading like Tim Sykes: $120,000+ in profits

Below is a chart of my cumulative profits from trading Tim Sykes’ pennystocking strategy. If you are impressed, why not take a look at his DVDs and learn the strategy for yourself? I recommend and own Pennystocking Part Deux and TimFundamentals Part Deux.

Check out my last update on my Sykes-related trading profits. Also, for detailed trade statistics, check out my trading profits page. If you are not familiar with how my story intersects with Tim Sykes’ story, read my article The truth about Tim Sykes from a former critic.

Click the chart for a bigger version.

While I like Sykes his strategies are not the only trading strategies I use. This chart only includes those trades that I made using his strategies or my interpretations thereof. Please note that my “watchlist longs” profits are not included in the chart even though I consider that trading strategy to be purely derived from Sykes’ teachings. I have had about $2,000 in such profit in 2009 and 2010.

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I receive a commission for every DVD bought through my affiliate link to Sykes’ web store. To see more details on my relationship with Sykes, please see my disclosures. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

6 thoughts on “Update on trading like Tim Sykes: $120,000+ in profits”

  1. Hey Reaper, why didn’t you include your “watchlist longs” if you consider them to be purely derived from Sykes’ teachings? I just don’t understand why you didn’t, since you are talking about record of trading like Sykes.

    1. The reason I didn’t include them is because I track those trades separately and I am too lazy to calculate my trading statistics with those combined. Anyway since I wrote this I have not continued to buy watchlist longs.

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