ECOB – The end is near and daily fluffy PRs cannot save this stock. I expect another big down day tomorrow and if that is the case I will likely cover my short position.
PEIX – Still on short watch. It will likely have another down day tomorrow.
ROSG – Big gainer, but no easy play now that they did a stock offering after hours.
Disclosure: Short 27,000 ECOB. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.
Thanks for that James Krieger and Reaper about the kid.Michael
no shiz… ur long GAZU? Check out my post for Jan 14th watchlist… that Google Group PennyStockElite alerted it. First Stock alert ever for them. I think they pulled out of the stock and took a 58% gain and said subscribers banked… not sure if they were the only ones promoting the stock.
oh n/m ur not long GAZU
FMBI … humongous spike in volume… if that breaks $12, i can only assume there will be alot of Shorts looking to Cover.
although that was an earnings play, and that failure to break $12 on negative earnings might suggest this stock being range bound.
ANO lots of volume on a braekout.
MHO look at the 2year chart… breakout passed 2.24 is quite significant
MHR not MHO..
alright im going to bed… i made the second chat btw #onstocks