JBII & BGEM are pumps and I would love to short, but no shares.
RXII on short watch.
A bunch of oil E&P companies have breakout charts, but largely in response to the XTO buyout by Exxon, so uninteresting and unlikely to continue.
Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.
What outfit is pumping JBII?
we miss charts 🙂
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It works now.
After the complaints about the DISQUS commenting system and its inability to import old comments, I’ve switched back.
Those who were having trouble viewing the current comments, please try updating your javascript and your browser or try changing web browsers to Firefox.
Michael, I had no problems with which is why I never said anything before, but after I sam someone else with the sam problem I thought I might jump on the wagon. 🙂
That DISQUS crap IIRC was used by Sykes, it sucks royally. I would agree hardily in not using it for comments…
I don’t understand why some people so vehemently dislike Disqus. I like it. But I bow to the wishes of my readers!
GIGM may be good to go long on a dip (but may have been overbought in pre-market action). Good news about sale of online gaming to Mangas.
+ 160 on my XRTX short, covered this morning.
MTSN nice b/o chart.
Yeah. That one looks good. I went with DPTR @ 1.23. More volume.
SOL got upgraded today but seems like can’t hold the $5 barrier, going short at $4.98
Short 450 EONC at 3.59
Yikes! I didnt have time to make my list this morning but I also had RXII as a primary watch, I actually almost shorted right at the close yesterday, but held back because of a morning meeting. Sheeewww that was a close one!
I have updated my disclosures and disclaimers, which is now upgraded to a terms of use!
The main change is I hedge things a bit more and I mention that if I am required to by a court I will disclose private information I have (IP addresses and email addresses).
covered EONC at 3.38
NEWS nice b/o chart but low volume.
ASYS very nice chart but low volume.
ENT possible b/o and decent volume.
LLFH possible b/o with decent volume.
MTSN volume is pretty good, possible watch for tomorrow.
DCGN possible spike tomorrow morning…
LLFH possible breakout like Preston said…
may hold both overnight