Watchlist for December 14th

SNSS – Top watch, heavily short-biased. Hopefully you are familiar with this stock after its crazy moves the last couple days.

SNSS 2-day chart
SNSS 2-day chart


NVLT – Nice breakout chart, too bad it is an OTC BB stock.


CYCC – Like a mini-SNSS, it too moved a couple days after its good drug-related news. Short on red, but not a ton of downside.


NEP – Nice breakout, decent volume, but it is an oil stock. Could still be decent on green.


EVC – Another beautiful breakout, but with plenty of longer-term resistance around $3 to $3.50.


AA – A chart similar to EVC. This of course is Alcoa, and considering it is a big, real company, I won’t be too interested in trading it.


LCC, UAUA, AMR – All these airlines spiked Friday.

Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

0 thoughts on “Watchlist for December 14th”

    1. I don’t always ignore them. But they are often manipulated, so they do not trade like Nasdaq stocks. I do like shorting OTC pump & dumps, though.

    1. Not necessarily. But if the company is too big and its stock too liquid, I would be competing against all sorts of hedge funds and other experienced traders. By sticking to more speculative companies I ensure that my competition isn’t as tough.

  1. CBK up on earnings but has resistance ahead, look for further strength and possible b/o. It could get noticed and with a volume/price spike look for a short set up.

    I’m still short 850 CYCC, maybe a morning panic sell off for me to cover into.

    HPJ has a nice chart, not sure if there is a play there.

    HRLY, crappy volume with possible b/o chart.

  2. LCC had massive volume Friday, long on green.
    HUSA, crappy volume but an awesome chart, long on green with volume spike.
    HPJ, nice chart with decent volume, long on green.
    DAL fits in with your airline stocks, awesome chart with massive volume.

  3. Yep, I’m going to get burned on this one, trying to figure out now what to do. I am not going to panic and sell into the top before a pullback. This is going to be a losing trade and a good lesson learned.
    I will say that holding in different circumstances, like when I’m in the money and the volume has faded nicely, but that’s a different situation than what I have here,.

  4. Well, CYCC is acting ok and I will wait to cover a little later. I didn’t panic tihs morning and watched the price action. I do not think I will make anything on this but I do think that I can salvage it for a small loss.

  5. They activated my Sogo-elite account and the platform looks like it was made in 1985… Even worse than the web platform from regular Sogotrade (or maybe I was already used to it)

    Reaper: Do you have any Sogoelite tricks / hints you care to share?

  6. How is TOS for shorting OTC BB stocks? Are borrows easy or hard to come by?

    Tradestation is not made for BB and penny stocks.

  7. Thanks, am looking for a cheap way to get access to BB type of stocks and still keep TS (platform is great for the price)

  8. With TS, I have to call in to buy/sell stocks like JBII
    and I am not sure they have shares available for me to borrow in order to short this stock.

  9. -110 on CYCC, I got tired of watching it and it looks like it has developed some support around 1.35ish.
    Horrible trade.

  10. Hey Reaper, just wondering if the comment I’m reading has to disappear after 7sec or it’s not normal? I have to move my mouse around to be able to read…

  11. Yeah I have the same problem on my home computer and not on my laptop. But on my laptop I can’t reply to individual messages, on my home computer I can. I have to keep moving my mouse on and off to read a longer comment, just figured it was my Vista program.

  12. Let me know if you still have problems now; I changed a couple settings.

    Preston :

    Yeah I have the same problem on my home computer and not on my laptop. But on my laptop I can’t reply to individual messages, on my home computer I can. I have to keep moving my mouse on and off to read a longer comment, just figured it was my Vista program.

  13. To try to fix the comment problems I have changed to Disqus for managing the comments. Old comments should reappear soon.

    You will need to get an account with Disqus or login using your Twitter username to post comments.

  14. Type your comment here

    Reaper :

    TOS is nowhere near as good as IB. But sometimes they will get a borrow on something IB does not have.

    IB commission is half of TOS isn’t it?


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