Watchlist for November 10th

November has been kind to me. I’ve already surpassed my trading gains from October. More importantly, I have consumed some high-quality, barely cooked beef and I have drunk good wine.

EONC – Short 2k shares overnight. Nice! I expect to cover into a morning panic. Short on red if it doesn’t gap down. Morning panics are tough to trade, though!



REV – New 52 week highs and it is offering some new debt (meaning bondholders are optimistic). Looks overextended but I wouldn’t short. Might be a decent long on green, but risk/reward is not great.


OPTT – From yesterday’s watchlist, breaking out nicely. No easy play here.


ONTY – Slow mover, three nice white candles. Plenty of resistance makes me want to short, but not up enough to be ideal.


BMNM – Up on earnings but OTC. Uggh.


CRXX – Long on green. I like this little move. Short on red could be nice too. Hmmm …


TTI – Preston mentioned this intra-day today in the comments. Read the comments, people! And Preston, we’ll forgive occasionally muddled writing if you keep finding such nice stocks. No point in beating yourself up or wearing a cilice. And yes, I consider it my goal to expand everyone’s vocabulary while helping you learn to trade. I’m long this earnings runner on green or a hod break.


ROIAK – Gosh I hate this stock. Keeps breaking out to new 52 week highs, though.


ZAGG – Oh wow, nice move on news of a Naz listing.


INAP – Oh yeah, baby! Breakout on green! Lower volume.


Disclosure: Short 2000 shares of EONC at $3.365. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

0 thoughts on “Watchlist for November 10th”

  1. Mummm TTI long or short??? I mean they are facing pretty strong resistance level, that yesterday they were not able to break with news, today with the SPY on red, as it looks on the premarket would be a nice play bet that would fail against the resistance and will have a pullback before attempit again?

  2. Bad thing is I’m the type to wear such things (cilice) to make me understand things faster.
    Michael, you should know by now that I am willing to learn if you can put up with me.
    There is a guy on vacation this week and he asked me to cover his work for him, I said what work, he said “come on man, you never know”.
    Well, sure enough I didn’t know and yesterday somebody came in with a package and they had to have pictures that day for a bid. So I run out, up and down towers like a madman, up and down stairs taking pictures and doing a great job never once thinking I haven’t done this type of stuff in a year are so. I do in a day what would normaly be done in a week and I am so sore this morning I can hardly type, much less walk.
    I love it though, makes me feel human in some strange way.

  3. Damn, replace “are” with “or”.
    Sometimes it’s harder to see in this little window when I’m re-reading my sentences and as soon as I put it up there I see all of my mistakes.

  4. Preston…”makes me feel human”

    LOL – too funny. I had to work outside over the weekend and I remember think the same type of thing.

    Of course, I don’t want to feel human too often!

  5. HMIN pre, gap above support. CYD as well. PCLN same, way-high priced.

    CPRX can’t imagine a worse chart

    DUSA choppy, breakout, low vol normall, long wicks on candles

    1. How do you get 2.40? It has hit 2.50 or so a few times in the past few months and then dropped from there. Also, it would have to go up a ton to hit that, so would likely be overextended by then.

    2. my friend has a long history with AVNR.

      this thing has always given back its gains after good news 🙁

      that black candle to 4.00 is full of broken hearts.

  6. Yeah your right, it’s a crappy chart with a small ADR.

    HMIN and CYD look the best, PCLN way above my reach but a nice chart.

    Focusing on my exit from EONC.

  7. @Reaper:

    EONC: “…Short on red if it doesn’t gap down…”

    it looks like .20 cents down already, would u still consider shorting?

  8. I got in this morning at 2.8 after all the yahoo talk and tim and reaper publiciting it, i see a lot of potential for the fall to almost preearning levels, the problem is that noone will like to buy this under the current news and the most known shorters with positions in it(i wouldnt buy it), and they shorted this share higher so I fear s short squeeze due to too much buying preasure when cover their gains. I think I am going to play safe and close soon with a nice percentage (not much money though)

  9. By the way have you ever tried home made Deer Jerky, if not I would like to send you some later in the year or first of next year after I harvest a few. I can tell you that it’s awesome and you would love it. Of course if you are the type that can’t eat that sort of stuff I understand. I have friends that make some of the best I have ever tasted.
    I also love wine, I had some great wine while in Chile’ while working there. They have some great selections and they were very cheap compared to their taste and quality.

    1. I’m not a huge jerky fan but I’d love to try the deer jerky, Preston. My wife and I are also big fans of South American wine, although we’ve had more Argentinian than Chilean wine. We both love Malbec. We drink a lot of French wine (much of which is also a good value if you ignore the famous Burgundies and Bordeaux) because I am familiar with it (I lived in France for a year).

  10. I’ve only been trading for about 7 months now and have come to have a lot of respect for this site.

    Having said that, I’m curious what anyone here might think of AMIN and its subsidiary, HMDI. If no one feels like taking a look, I understand. I’m not expecting anything, just asking. But, this company seems well positioned for a strong 2010, possibly even a surge in share price in the next month or so. HMDI especially is looking really cheap today. It underwent a reverse merger with a profitable private company called Delta Seaboard International not too long ago. They still haven’t provided the final details, which should be out soon.

    Anyway, any and all views on this one would be welcome. I’m in both a fair amount, as long term plays.

  11. No, I swear to god I’m not a stock promoter. I have a job and barely enough time to focus on day trading.

    I’ve been in and out of AMIN a couple times, in at around 1.20 and out higher. I’m currently in at 1.21. I’m in HMDI at .06 and it’s sitting at .05. I once rode this from .08 to .19 when it had a surge a few weeks ago.

    God knows I’m no stock promoter. I’ve done nothing but take losses all week on GAP and QXM. I did well, however, with PACR and EONC.

    I understand your concern, Chuck, but I promise I’m no stock promoter. If anything, I might be naive in how to ask people their views on a stock without seeming like a promoter. If I’m guilty of that, I apologize.

  12. Hawk, I trade on pure price action, if it’s not moving I don’t trade it. That being said I have no idea, or am I smart enough to breakdown company reports so I leave that to the professionals and ride their momentum after they discover it to be bad or good.
    I hope you realize that you are trading against professional that get information and have teams of people to read it so it’s very hard to trade against them in these type of buy and hope trades. Of course you never know and you could make a fortune off these plays but the odds are against you.
    I hope that’s not to harsh because I didn’t wont it to be but trading like that will surely result in loosing money.

  13. Thanks for the input, Reaper and Preston.

    I understand the idea of focusing on movement, momentum plays, shorts, etc. And if a stock isn’t moving, it isn’t making (or losing) any money. It makes sense.

    I sit on AMIN because its holding include a bunch of waterfront acres in Galveston, TX that are worth millions. Apparently, if/when these ever sell, the share price will jump. That seems to be the consensus around the message boards I’ve seen. However, as Reaper alludes to, the CEO Daniel Dror and this company have a history of underperformance.

    Because oil looks good for 2010, HMDI looks good as Delta makes equipment for that industry.

    This is why I sit and wait on these.

    Chuck, I’m definitely not suggesting anyone buy this. I’m asking because I’m curious whether or not I should have!

    Meanwhile, I’m waiting out what I think must be a massive short squeeze on GAP. Some think the price has risen on buyout rumors. However, others say no one would really want to buy it. And in the meantime, if you look at their insider transactions, all their officers are selling. That can’t be a good sign.

  14. HMDI… only has a market capital of $2million… What kind of company provides equipment for such a huge industry which probably requires large and enormous types of equipment that probably exceed the entire companies total combined assets.

    1. Actually I know of plenty of large companies that use tiny companies as suppliers. Not a main supplier, but it is not that odd. The company where my wife works is worth maybe a few million but supplies hundred-billion dollar companies.

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