Watchlist for November 6th

Celebrate my five year wedding anniversary today by buying my DVD! I pledge to spend the money on my wonderful wife! If ten people buy the DVD in the next day using my link I will take my wife to Paris! (Okay, so I know that isn’t much of an inducement, although if you knew my wife, that would be a good inducement.)

Not too much on watch for tomorrow. The rising tide today lifted many boats, but I don’t want stocks that follow the market.

AGYS – Bouncing stock on no news at resistance, but on good earnings? Short on red / long on green. Too low of volume for me to play though.


QXM – Hmmm, maybe I should’ve stuck to my advice and shorted on red this morning? It will likely drop a bit more and then be choppy.


I have a DVD! You have only ONE DAY to purchase my DVD on reading SEC filings if you wish to receive free access to the follow-up webinar. It is only $397 (you save $100 off its normal price by pre-ordering it).

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

25 thoughts on “Watchlist for November 6th”

    1. It should be fixed now.

      I won’t trade much tomorrow … I recorded 75 minutes more of the SEC filing DVD this evening and I will edit it tomorrow.

  1. I’m sure it will be great, there are several other things I wan’t to do before getting that.
    Chart is fine.

  2. Blah, you have taught me so much and I can’t ever put a dollar figure on what that is. If you need someone to help you with the editing it would make me feel better inside knowing that I was giving back.

    1. Oh no I can edit fine … today I just edited out a portion of me multiplying $9.00 per share times 880,000 shares and getting $3 million … lol

  3. Pre-Market so far.
    GSI is trying to break out on a 3 month chart, looks pretty good. 1 year is ugly.
    SWKS had a good day yesterday, has a ugly chart but if it breaks 12 it could run to 13 or so. Pre-market looks strong.

  4. ONCY on pre, nice chart, just presented phase 2 drug data.

    CHIP crappy chart but nice ADR on pre; we know it can spike!

    Mkt gapping down a bunch; not sure I want to go long anything this AM.

  5. ZIOP and ZGEN both fit the rules for ygnvai system. What interest me the most is what he said about waiting till after lunch. I have been looking at hundreds of charts and I see the action start picking back up at 11:30CST, that’s when I was looking to tweak my rules and cover any short I might have. Along with waitng to buy till after 9:00 CST, so go short after 9 and cover around 11:30.
    ZGEN also has a diagonal like he was talking about as well.

  6. Yngvai said;
    “It’s taken me a long time to get consistent trading the preleaders too. I’m now getting very selective for what I look for. I wait at least 10 minutes from the open, and I look for breaks from patterns….consolidation or basing, ascending triangles, etc. Also, once it’s past 7:45 AM PST, I won’t touch any preleaders until the afternoon (after 1 PM PST)….I find that mid-day breakouts tend to be less reliable.”

    I should have copied the message here instead of trying to remember it. Sorry for spelling your name wrong.
    My times are not exactly the same but what I’m learning is what to look for in any system. Yesterday I was looking at charts that started back up strongly at 11:30am or after. Big spike in the morning and then down till 11:30 or so then back up. I’m looking for the same thing this morning, LPSN is fitting this pattern on a intraday chart. One thing to notice is that the volume has to be around 400k at this time or it will just start sideways fading.

  7. Reaper, any ideas what the DoublingStocks pick could be from his email yesterday with the new hints? I did a whole bunch of searches but couldn’t find any celebrity involvement in penny stocks, only Danny Devito in ICNB and he’s not exactly known “everywhere around the world”. Also I couldn’t find any stock that went from 1.42 to 21.66 in the last two months. I’m stumped so far.

  8. GAP @ 52 wk highs and insider selling at the same time?

    MOSS WILLIAM Officer
    15,000 Direct
    Sale at $11.29 – $11.3 per share.

  9. QBan,

    I’m holding on for dear life in what I consider a short squeeze. I shorted at 11.22. It was down near 10.90 the other day and I should have gotten out. I certainly didn’t see a $1 spike coming.

  10. woah, good luck on your trade. You have a stronger stomach than I do: I would have probably covered and re-shorted once it starts to drop in a convincing manner.

  11. AMNP was a nice short for anyone paying attention to their ‘ALFSS’ watchlist. available on IB the whole time, spiked to 1.15 and turned over quick, now around .90

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