Perhaps every one of my trade recaps should have the subtitle “A plethora of errors.” Oyvey. The worst trade was the one I missed: shorting BHWX, a Beacon pump today. Pumped stocks if they do not go up in response to the pump will often drop quickly as aggressive sellers try to sell as many shares as they can. I could have had an easy 10% on shorting BHWX after it failed to jump despite decent volume following the pump.
+ SLD 1,000 SKTO false Stock .907 USD SMART 09:38:56 4.54
BOT 5,000 GNPG false Stock (OTCBB) 0.1090 USD ARCAEDGE 09:47:05 2.72
SLD 5,000 GNPG false Stock (OTCBB) 0.1101 USD ARCAEDGE 09:58:00 2.75
+ BOT 400 EVVV false Stock (NMS) 12.910 USD SMART 09:59:32 2.00
+ SLD 400 EVVV false Stock (NMS) 12.750 USD SMART 10:02:46 2.00
+ BOT 600 MVIS false Stock (NMS) 4.500 USD ARCA 10:08:09 3.00
+ SLD 600 MVIS false Stock (NMS) 4.480 USD SMART 10:09:26 3.00
+ BOT 400 EVVV false Stock (NMS) 13.100 USD SMART 10:25:23 2.00
+ SLD 400 EVVV false Stock (NMS) 13.125 USD SMART 10:30:13 2.00
+ BOT 1,000 SKTO false Stock .840 USD SMART 10:58:31 4.20
BOT 10,000 IARO false Stock (OTCBB) 0.0511 USD ARCAEDGE 13:25:29 2.56
SLD 10,000 IARO false Stock (OTCBB) 0.0450 USD ARCAEDGE 13:31:21 2.25
+ BOT 300 MTXX false Stock (NMS) 5.130 USD SMART 14:15:38 1.50
SLD 300 MTXX false Stock (NMS) 5.08 USD ISLAND 14:21:22 1.50
BOT 1,000 NXTH false Stock (OTCBB) 1.8200 USD SMART 14:34:37 5.00
SLD 1,000 NXTH false Stock (OTCBB) 1.8600 USD ARCAEDGE 14:37:01 5.00
BOT 1,000 NXTH false Stock (OTCBB) 1.8200 USD ARCAEDGE 14:39:48 5.00
+ SLD 1,000 NXTH false Stock (OTCBB) 1.860 USD ARCAEDGE 14:41:20 5.00
BOT 1,000 NXTH false Stock (OTCBB) 1.5900 USD ARCAEDGE 15:10:11 5.00
SLD 1,000 NXTH false Stock (OTCBB) 1.6500 USD ARCAEDGE 15:26:58 5.00
Daily profit: $4.65
Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.
no video?
crap I gave Youtube enough time to process, not sure what is up. Hold on.
hmm, I tried re-uploading it … I think Youtube is just having issues at the moment. Check back in a couple hours.
np, thx
Ah, I re-uploaded the video and that worked.