Nothing much today. I made an easy $171.06 buying the StockPreacher pump this morning at the market open, before they even announced it. Yay frontrunning! InvestorsLive of the InvestorsUnderground chatroom figured out what the pump would be before the market opened and he alerted the chatroom. That paid for my subscription for the quarter, and I only got half of the potential gains on that pump! I explain more in the video.
BOT 4,000 OOIL false Stock (OTCBB) 0.3100 USD ARCAEDGE 09:30:23 6.20
BOT 1,000 OOIL false Stock (OTCBB) 0.3100 USD SMART 09:30:37 1.55
SLD 2,500 OOIL false Stock (OTCBB) 0.3450 USD SMART 09:35:05 4.31
SLD 2,500 OOIL false Stock (OTCBB) 0.3500 USD SMART 09:35:16 4.38
Daily profit: $171.06
Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.
How did IL figure it out? Or is it top secret?
Watch the video. And then subscribe to IU chat using my link above 😉
Nevermind, guess I should watch the video before asking questions…