Have you celebrated Mole Day today? If not, drink a toast to Avogadro at 6:02:21pm. Not any exciting trades today. See the video for some unusual trade analytics (such as a profit margin moving average graph) I conducted on my pre-leader long trades (my profit on which just breached $1,000!).
Daily profit: $137.14
Weekly profit: $1571.43
Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy.
Loved the twits today blasting stockchaser!
Thanks .. I was bored. 🙂
What happened to Tortexal in IL chat room?
It hasn’t been that long since I saw him … not sure. Ask InvestorsLive. Maybe he tried hitting on Laura too often and Muddy put the kibosh on that …
I never have chatted with him
No … gotta be 100%+ before it really is a supernova. It’s only up about 50%. Volume sucks on it, so I won’t play it.
You can’t have a “+” as part of a ticker. What software/broker do you see it on? And I’m assuming it is a warrant, so that means it just follows TMI but is leveraged.