Scanning for volatile stocks: Stocks with high ADRs

If you are a momentum day-trader then you want to know which stocks are moving. One way to measure that is the average daily range, which is a measure of the average range (low to high) of a stock over a period of time. Here are a couple scans I use to get high ADR stocks. These scans can be once a week; the results do not change that much from day to day.

Stockfetcher scan for stocks with an increasing ADR

The following scan looks for stocks with an ADR over the past 10 days that is higher than the ADR over the past 30 days and where the ADR over the past 30 days is above 10% (a average range of $4.50 to $5.00 would be a 10% ADR). Running this scan on the date this post was published I found 18 stocks, including the following: TLR, ROIAK, MERX, CLWT, THLD, CXM, EMMS, CNOA, LPIH, RPRX, FSII, ASTC, ACLS, LEE, HILL, MNI, CIT-A, IGC.

show stocks where close is between 1 and 20
average volume(90) above 50000
average volume(10) above 500000
and average day range(30) is greater than 10 percent
and average day range(10) is greater than average day range(30)
sort column 5 descending

set{volchng, average day range(10)-average day range(30) }
set{adr30, average day range(30)}
set{C1A, volchng / adr30}
set{C2A, C1A * 100}
and add column C2A {volatilityChng%}

Stockfetcher scan for higher-priced stocks with high ADRs

The following scan scans for stocks with a price between $10 and $20 and an ADR over 10%. Currently no stocks meet the scan requirements, so I would suggest lowering the minimum ADR. Running this scan on the date this post was published, with a minimum ADR of 8%, I only find one stock: DRV.

show stocks where close is between 10 and 20
average volume(90) above 50000
average volume(10) above 500000
and average day range(30) is greater than 10 percent
sort column 5 descending

set{volchng, average day range(10)-average day range(30) }
set{adr30, average day range(30)}
set{C1A, volchng / adr30}
set{C2A, C1A * 100}
and add column C2A {volatilityChng%}

Disclosure: I am a subscriber to and have no other relationship with it. I have a disclosure policy.

0 thoughts on “Scanning for volatile stocks: Stocks with high ADRs”

  1. thanx, picked up EMMS which I have been my eye on for a while. I think once its hits red it might be a good short position.
    Oon stockfetcher someone posted one of Muddys scans to find good shorts. Thought I’d post it just for reference

    stocks where close is above upper bollinger band(20) and close is below open and price is between .5 and 20 and volume is greater than 200000
    offset is 0

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