I have Google Analytics set up on this website, and that makes tracking my visitors (and how they find me) quite easy. A lot of my hits have come from people looking for information on Andrew Left of StockLemon. In fact, 3 of my top 10 articles were about him. A week or two ago I did a multi-part series investigating him. I am quite proud of the job I did profiling him, and it is a service to those who would invest in the companies he disparages that I have helped to dispel some of his critics’ lies about him (while confirming other of the criticisms leveled against him).
Crazy Searches
Evidently, if you search for ‘pretty panties’ or ‘pure panties’ you will find my blog article (syndicated on SeekingAlpha) about Movie Star Inc. [[msi]]. I would not recommend using those search terms because of the other things you might find! If you search for ‘worst investment blog’, my article on Remote MDX (RMDX.oB) comes up on the first page of Google. I have received numerous visitors searching for prosaic things like ‘value investing’, which is good. I have seen some traffic from people searching for the lyrics to “Catch a Falling Star”, due to my “Short a Falling Stock” parody. I have also received a visit from one poor soul who searched forĀ “phd quant jobs hedge funds pay $1 million”. I have a feeling he is still not making millions at a hedge fund.
Disclosure: I own MSI and I am short RMDX.ob. I have no relationship with Andrew Left of StockLemon. My disclosure policy is a popular place to visit.