On Monday November 4th, 2019, two websites associated with the ‘tier 1’ or ‘Panamanian’ stock promoter as that promoter is referred to as by OTC Market Research started promoting Rivex Technology Corp (OTC: RIVX). This promoter has connections to the now-defunct promoter AwesomePennyStocks. I have previously written about this promoter and how OTC Markets’ Caveat Emptor Designation has not stopped them from promoting and making the price of the stocks they promote go up.
The two websites promoting RIVX are BlueChipPennyStockAlerts.com and PennyStockMarketNews.com. Both websites have been heavily advertising on Google over the last month. Also, both websites have apparently fake address information in their promotional emails. Per the FTC, marketing emails require a correct physical address.
At the bottom of its emails, PennyStockMarketNews.com lists the address 205 Dexter Ave Derry, NH 03038. According to Google Maps there is no Dexter Avenue (there is a Dexter Street). There is no 205 Dexter Street. BlueChipPennyStockAlerts.com lists its address as 1701 Walker Town Rd Castroville, CA 95012. According to Google Maps there is no Walker Town Road in Castroville, though there is a Walker Valley Road. There is no 1701 Walker Valley Road. I also believe the names of the analyst or editor of both sites are also fake (“Michael Griffins” for PennyStockMarketNews.com and “Louis Dalton” of BlueChipPennyStockAlerts.com). I have no evidence for these names being fake but there is also no evidence that they are real.
According to WHOIS data, BlueChipPennyStockAlerts.com was registered 10 June 2019 via NameCheap with contact information protected by WhoisGuard. PennyStockMarketNews.com was registered on 8 May 2019 via NameCheap with contact info protected by WhoisGuard.
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COMPENSATION: PennyStockMarketNews.com was compensated $4,000 in cash via bank wire by Upforce Digital Advertising LLC for advertising Rivex Technology Corp. (RIVX). PennyStockMarketNews.com does not own any shares of profiled companies. PennyStockMarketNews.com does not investigate the background of any third party. Any compensation constitutes a conflict of interest as to our ability to remain objective in our communication regarding profiled companies. The information contained in our newsletters are based on sources which we believe to be reliable but is not guaranteed by us as being accurate and does not purport to be a complete statement or summary of the available data. PennyStockMarketNews.com encourages readers and investors to supplement the information in these reports with independent research and other professional advice. All information on featured companies is provided by the companies profiled through their website, news releases, and corporate filings, or is available from public sources and PennyStockMarketNews.com makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of the disclosure by the profiled companies. Further, PennyStockMarketNews.com has no advance knowledge of any future events of the profiled companies which includes, but is not limited to, news & press releases, changes in corporate structure, or changes in share structure.
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The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides investors a ‘safe harbor’ in regard to forward-looking statements. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, goals, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact may be “forward looking statements”. Forward looking statements are based on expectations, estimates, and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. Forward looking statements in this action may be identified through use of words such as “projects”, “foresee”, “expects”, “will”, “anticipates”, “estimates”, “believes”, “understands”, or that by statements indicating certain actions “may”, “could”, or “might” occur. Understand there is no guarantee past performance will be indicative of future results. Past Performance is based on the security’s previous day closing price and the high of day price during our promotional coverage.
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COMPENSATION: Bluechippennystockalerts.com was compensated $8,000 in cash via bank wire by Upforce Digital Advertising LLC for advertising Rivex Technology Corp. (RIVX). Bluechippennystockalerts.com does not own any shares of profiled companies. Bluechippennystockalerts.com does not investigate the background of any third party. Any compensation constitutes a conflict of interest as to our ability to remain objective in our communication regarding profiled companies. The information contained in our newsletters are based on sources which we believe to be reliable but is not guaranteed by us as being accurate and does not purport to be a complete statement or summary of the available data. Bluechippennystockalerts.com encourages readers and investors to supplement the information in these reports with independent research and other professional advice. All information on featured companies is provided by the companies profiled through their website, news releases, and corporate filings, or is available from public sources and Bluechippennystockalerts.com makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of the disclosure by the profiled companies. Further, Bluechippennystockalerts.com has no advance knowledge of any future events of the profiled companies which includes, but is not limited to, news & press releases, changes in corporate structure, or changes in share structure.
None of the materials or advertisements herein constitute offers or solicitations to purchase or sell securities of the companies profiled herein and any decision to invest in any such company or other financial decisions should not be made based upon the information provide herein. Instead Bluechippennystockalerts.com strongly urges you conduct a complete and independent investigation of the respective companies and consideration of all pertinent risks. Readers are advised to review SEC periodic reports: Forms 10-Q, 10K, Form 8-K, insider reports, Forms 3, 4, 5 Schedule 13D. Bluechippennystockalerts.com is compliant with the Can Spam Act of 2003.Bluechippennystockalerts.com does not offer such advice or analysis, and Bluechippennystockalerts.com further urges you to consult your own independent tax, business, financial and investment advisers. Investing in micro-cap and growth securities is highly speculative and carries and extremely high degree of risk. It is possible that an investor’s investment may be lost or impaired due to the speculative nature of the companies profiled.
The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides investors a ‘safe harbor’ in regard to forward-looking statements. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, goals, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact may be “forward looking statements”. Forward looking statements are based on expectations, estimates, and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. Forward looking statements in this action may be identified through use of words such as “projects”, “foresee”, “expects”, “will”, “anticipates”, “estimates”, “believes”, “understands”, or that by statements indicating certain actions “may”, “could”, or “might” occur. Understand there is no guarantee past performance will be indicative of future results. Past Performance is based on the security’s previous day closing price and the high of day price during our promotional coverage.
In preparing this publication, Bluechippennystockalerts.com has relied upon information supplied by various public sources and press releases which it believes to be reliable; however, such reliability cannot be guaranteed. Investors should not rely on the information contained in this email and website. Rather, investors should use the information contained in this website as a starting point for doing additional independent research on the featured companies. The advertisements in this email and website are believed to be reliable; however, Bluechippennystockalerts.com and its owners, affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, representatives and agents disclaim any liability as to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in any advertisement and for any omissions of materials facts from such advertisement. Bluechippennystockalerts.com is not responsible for any claims made by the companies advertised herein, nor is Bluechippennystockalerts.com responsible for any other promotional firm, its program or its structure.
Both disclaimers list the paying party as “Upforce Digital Advertising LLC” which likely does not exist in my opinion. It certainly has no web presence as a search for it on Google revealed no results whatsoever. I searched for business entities in all 50 States in the USA (clicking on the sites linked here) for “Upforce Digital Advertising” and found nothing close in any state.
RIVX was given Caveat Emptor designation by OTC Markets after the close on 4 November 2019 (the first day it was promoted). It dropped the next day but has since recovered.

The prior promotion by this promoter, using the older website ProPennyStockAdvisors.com, was at least somewhat successful despite the early Caveat Emptor designation of the stock by OTC Markets, as the price did not drop substantially until 25 October, the day after I received the last promotion emails. ProPennyStockAdvisors.com was registered in the same manner as the two websites that promoted RIVX, with a registration date of 2 April 2019.

Like with the newer promotion websites, the address given by ProPennyStockAdvisors.com does not appear to exist, at least according to Google Maps. That address is 516 Highway 159
Sekiu , WA 98326. Below is the disclaimer from the last PXPP promotion email I received.

One last thing to note: all the emails I have received in the last year from this promotion group have been sent by iContact. That is the same email service provider used by AwesomePennyStocks for most of that group’s existence.
Prior to publishing this post I sent an email requesting comment to all the emails from which I have received the stock promotion. I also sent an email to the iContact media email address requesting comment. Unsurprisingly, no one responded to my emails. If that changes I will update this post.
Disclaimer: No position in any company mentioned and no relationship with any person or entity mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.
Yup I bought into RIVX and Lewis Dalton’s bull**** car salesman approach to stocks. Now I’ve got monies stuck in this restricted stick until they settle their accounts (per my broker) but the SEC show it has a hold till today. Will that change anything so I can at least salvage what’s left? Or do I just count this as a lesson learned and move on?
It will resume trading tomorrow after the open, but it will be on the ‘grey market’ meaning that market makers are not allowed to trade for their own account and if viewing a quote online you will not be able to see any bids or offers. You will only be able to see the last price. Place a limit sell order and it is usually best to not do this immediately (maybe wait at least an hour after the open) because oftentimes with these stocks the first handful of trades will be market sell orders and they will fill very low and then the stock will bounce a bit. Depending on your broker they may require you to call them to place a trade to get out (Interactive Brokers for example requires this).
I’m in the same boat as you are. Ive no idea what should i Do i bought 1K shares at $6 and now it worth pennies. RIVX was up till $11 and the email states every day its going to be $30 on a month and I believe it as iy went from 2.80 to 11 i was up 5k and was waiting for 20K
I’m sorry to hear of your loss. I think you need to accept that it is very, very unlikely to bounce back much (let alone to its former highs). The fact that it was suspended by the SEC which means market makers can’t trade it unless one vouches for the company’s financials means it will stay illiquid and is unlikely to get promoted again.
Yes I’m included in the list for 6+k loss. I received the Bluechip email out of nowhere and began moving monies over and then began research a step out of order and a lesson learned. When I realized it the stock had locked up and I couldn’t get out. Afterwards it began to plummet.