No honor among stock pumpers

I was a bit surprised when I received the following in an email from third-rate stock promoter Megastockpicks (although the email came from : is NOW…!

Hello All,

We would like to announce that is NOW…! Due to issues with the name and owner, we have decided to change the name.

**Please disregard any future emails from MegaStockPicks or  The site will no longer be updated and soon be taken down.  If you do happen to receive an email, know that we are no longer running this site.

“Okay, that is odd,” I thought to myself. Why would they do that? Shortly thereafter I received another email, this time coming from

Hello, MEGA subscribers
I want to thank you all for being loyal fans of MEGA Stock Picks, I also want to add that our picks are going to become better!
We will be offering more penny stocks of ALL kinds, not just OTC stocks that have a 50/50 chance of rising.
Some GREAT MEGA picks are coming your way!
Over the next few weeks you will all see why we are one newsletter you want to keep on receiving.
The other site claiming to be the old will EPICALLY fail!
Please also make sure your spam filters are set to receive our emails.
Please DISREGARD any emails from as they no part have anything to do with, we are still here and will continue to bring you picks with MEGA gains.

This made things even more confusing. Yet clarity (of a sort) was coming in another email from EpicStockPicks (the purported new MegasStockpicks website):

EpicStockPicks/MegaStockPicks Dispute
Hello All,

I want to clear the air here as you have received both emails from us and and many are confused.  We apologize in advance for the multiple emails.

A silent partner of ours who had not been active in the site decided to lock out our team from the website.  Because of this, we had decided to start  All of the previous picks from came from our team’s extensive research and DD.

While he may still claim the website and logo’s which is our intellectual property, he no longer has function of the site since he does not have the capabilities of running it.

Well that sure clarifies the whole situation! I have no clue which pumper is lying (or maybe they both are lying: maybe one stole the other’s email list or hacked their website; or maybe neither is lying, although I doubt it). It does not matter. It is nice to see scummy stock promoters attacking each other rather than just helping their subscribers lose money for a change. This is yet another reason why you should never trust stock promoters. Always assume a stock promoter is lying!

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned and no connection to either website. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

0 thoughts on “No honor among stock pumpers”

  1. At least we have an edge now Reaper

    “We will be offering more penny stocks of ALL kinds, not just OTC stocks that have a 50/50 chance of rising.”

    I like being on the 51% side….

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