Trade recap for the Ides of March: The return of the suck & buying some pumpish stocks

Not a good day thanks to IPCI. It was made less bad by a couple ‘pumpish’ stocks I bought. In the video I talk about a couple “pumpish” OTC stocks that I am holding overnight that were mentioned by “InvestorsLive” in the InvestorsUnderground chat room. If you wish to try InvestorsUnderground out they have a two week free trial and if you stick with it you can save up to 15% by using my link and promotional code “reaper”.

Daily profit: ($2,122.56)

Trades at IB:
+    BOT    2,000    IPCI    false    Stock    3.493    USD    SMART    11:25:00        10.00
+    SLD    2,000    IPCI    false    Stock    3.520    USD    ISLAND    11:25:16        10.00

Most of my trades were at SogoElite or ThinkorSwim today.

Disclosure: Long 9000 PBEC, long 4000 FLPC, and short 1400 IPCI. No positions in any other stock mentioned. I am an affiliate of InvestorsUnderground. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

0 thoughts on “Trade recap for the Ides of March: The return of the suck & buying some pumpish stocks”

  1. Sorry, the video isn’t processed yet; it will be up in 20 minutes; I’d pull the post and re-post it but I already tweeted it and I have to run. 🙁

  2. It is incredible that you thought people would pay money/subscription to watch this.

    I only watch these videos as you are very knowledgeable about the industry and have good information to share. I always learn something from you.

    Just as you hated on Tim in the beginning, now you need to make me love you.

    1. I don’t think Reaper was going to charge for recap videos. For-charge video was just his idea for infrequent videos with valuable proprietary information. Check his original post on the topic.

    2. Like Aaron said, I do not plan on charging for my trade recap videos. When I do eventually charge for something here it will definitely be worth the price.

      Anyway, I believe a great trader would have a harder time teaching some of the things I teach because it would have been such a long time since that trader had struggled with the troubles most traders face.

  3. Hey Reaper,
    Your recap videos are awesome, just a question, is Tim Sykes chat room, the same as investor underground or are they two completely different chat rooms? which one would you recommend?


    1. No. They are two competing services. TimAlerts chatroom is free for all subscribers to the Timothy Sykes TimAlerts service (which is $50 a month and includes his watchlists and trade alerts). InvestorsUnderground is I think $100 per month now or about $250 per quarter. IU chat is just stock chat with the moderators throwing out alerts on what they find interesting.

      I moderate TimAlerts chat … but I have to recommend IU chat because I get more money from sending people there using my affiliate link! lol … Seriously, they trade much more frequently and are less appropriate imho for newer traders. Try it out if you want to know what it is like; they have a 2 week free trial!

      1. IU, its a source for a lot of the stocks you find as well as some you play…

        gimme a break.. only reason you promote is cuz you get more $$?

        I disagree re: newbs – you get a lot of one on one time anyone who cares to PM, anyone who comes to seminars … whereas you don’t get that in the Tim chat… you get one way to trade and one way only.

        I know you are trying to promote the Tim chat more and more but… comon… I know you find more value in it than just that but it’s ok I get it… being paid to do Tim’s thing per head I’d prob do the same thing

  4. sorry about your day reaper, I did the same thing 2 weeks ago and lost 3k… hang in there i know you’ll make it back.

    Greg, go jump off a cliff

    1. Greg was respectful and honest … I have no problem with anyone like that. He does have a point: people don’t want to pay to learn from a mediocre trader.

  5. The monetary incentive is still for me to promote IU over Tim Sykes, even with me moderating TimChat …

    And except for the OTC pumpish stocks I find 90% of the stocks I watch myself now that I have a very useful and customizable HOD list at LightSpeed.

    InvestorsLive :

    IU, its a source for a lot of the stocks you find as well as some you play…

    gimme a break.. only reason you promote is cuz you get more $$?

    I disagree re: newbs – you get a lot of one on one time anyone who cares to PM, anyone who comes to seminars … whereas you don’t get that in the Tim chat… you get one way to trade and one way only.

    I know you are trying to promote the Tim chat more and more but… comon… I know you find more value in it than just that but it’s ok I get it… being paid to do Tim’s thing per head I’d prob do the same thing

  6. I must disagree here.

    Plenty of people PM me in Tim chat now all day regarding play selection and management.

    A few traders with some understanding and experience frequent the room, I do not know how many PMs they get, or how they handle them, but this room is becoming very solid across the board since Reap took over moderation.

    IL often plays various momo/scrolling hod angles, going long quite a bit. Most of the “newbie assisting” traders of experience are shorting specialists.

    IL and Tim Chat are different animals, which is just fine…

  7. That last should read *in Tim Chat* most of the “newbie assisting” traders of experience are shorting specialists.

    I have never had a IL subscription, and am not knocking it, they do a fine job from what I hear from various users. I am aware of their posted chat logs and Tweets, so I have an idea of their flavor.

    I do not get plays from or alert chat based on IL calls, as most of them are from my Watchers the night before…

  8. Sorry about your losses today, Michael.

    Just want to say I appreciate your posts. It takes a lot of balls to post about crappy trades- lord knows we ALL have them. It’s much easier being anonymous. Nobody gets to hear about MY crappy trades.


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